- Can you tell me where the nearest bus/train station is?
- How much does a ticket to (insert destination) cost?
- Can you help me find my gate?
- What time does my flight/train/bus leave?
- Where can I find a taxi?
- How much does a taxi ride to (insert destination) cost?
- Can you recommend a good restaurant/hotel?
- Do you have a map of the city?
- Can you give me directions to (insert destination)?
- How far is it to (insert destination)?
- Can I have a menu, please?
- Can I have the bill, please?
- Is there a public restroom nearby?
- Where can I exchange currency?
- Can you recommend a local tour guide?
- Can you suggest some local attractions to visit?
- Do you have any tips on how to get around the city?
- Is it safe to walk around here at night?
- Can you tell me how to use the public transportation system?
- Do you speak (insert your native language)?
여행가고 싶다~~~
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